Sunday, June 04, 2006


Well, for those of you who asked, it looks as if I will be teaching Beyond Rock next semester. Below is the blurb on the course from last year, although I'll be modifying it somewhat.

I will warn those interested that there may be some overlap
between Beyond Rock and Music Subcultures and the Media, as my plan is to
turn it into a bridging course between From Elvis to Madonna and Music Subcultures and the Media. That way if I teach Music Subcultures next year, I can cut out some of the music industry and history stuff and concentrate on the cultural theory.

Don't have the timetable yet, but I've asked for Fridays or Mondays.

Music in the Digital Age
Beyond Rock examines the key stylistic, technological and industrial developments in contemporary popular music that have occurred since the arrival of digital audio and MTV in 1982. Through a study of these developments students will come to understand not only the increasing dominance of digital technology in the music industry but also the numerous stylistic and historical developments during this period.
Beginning with the post-punk rock/MTV-driven New Wave and New Romantics genres, the course engages with the major musical styles and artists (both in the international and Australian contexts) right up to the present day. Students will critically examine a wide range of music styles - from purely commodity-driven "pop/rock" styles to those which have been used to highlight socio-political issues. They will also examine the ways in which music technology has influenced new styles of music.
Beyond Rock will enable students to engage with past and present music forms and provide them with the critical ability to analyse objectively the complex nature of both contemporary music and the music industry.


At 4:31 PM, Blogger Annabel Taylor said...

Way to teach Beyond Rock after I've done it, Cory.

At 10:49 PM, Blogger AfterThought said...

alright! time to cause some havok! ... i mean, uh, good to see you are taking this course ;)

Meanwhile, i gotta aggree you need to look at the examinations for this course, 60% exam seems a bit steep, unless its as basic as the ones for elvis to madonna.

The listening and objective test was always fun for rooting out the non-musos from the worthwhile students because it asked you basic questions like 'name the instruments in this song' - man that tricked up some people (pronounced 'idiots').

At 11:30 PM, Blogger Annabel Taylor said...

I did both Elvis to Madonna and Beyond Rock in second semester last year, and the listening exams were pretty different.

The Elvis to Madonna one was ridiculously easy (ok yes, I'm probably what you would call a muso - I've been playing music since I was three and went to the Con for a bit). And the fact that it was a "mark either yes or no to these attributes being in the song played" kinda test made it all the more simple. I spent most of the time in that exam bopping in my seat to the songs played.

Opposed to the two or three times the songs were played in FULL for Elvis to Madonna, Beyond Rock had a 30-40 second excerpt. And the things we needed to know was stuff like song title and/or artist, history of the song or album and information relating to the song.

If Cory shows stuff similar to what Clay did last year, Beyond Rock will seriously worth doing just to see the video clips in the lectures.


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